Week One Update
Please accept our appreciation for the feedback we’ve received relating to the Society’s efforts to increase our involvement with our State Legislature. Jeannine and I have been encouraged by your support and your willingness to be engaged.
Many of you are involved with your local public-school systems. If so, your local system may qualify to be a participating school with the Alabama CHOOSE Act. It’s not just for private school tuition! If you have any questions about this, please reach out to me or go online to CHOOSE Act Alabama for more information.
A few bills on our watchlist have begun moving through the process.
HB25 permitting two or more 911 boards to jointly provide services – passed the House, now on to the Senate
HB29 amending requirements related to the collection of unemployment compensation –scheduled to be considered in the House on Tuesday, upon passage would move to the Senate.
SB77 establishing a fee for international wire transfers through money networks - scheduled to be considered in the Senate on Tuesday, upon passage would move to the House. Interesting to note, there is now a competing bill in the House (HB192, Shirey) that differs in the amount charged and the uses of the funds. See watchlist for details.
SB86 establishing portable benefit accounts for independent contractors - scheduled to be considered in the Senate on Tuesday, upon passage would move to the House.