ASCPA Educational Foundation

For a cost lower than your Netflix and Hulu subscriptions, you can join us in ensuring a strong and diverse pipeline of talent that will support the future of the profession!

Make a difference, donate today.

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A ut praesentium in et. Soluta suscipit voluptatem illo placeat consequatur. Rem ratione et consequuntur consectetur aliquid ab quae. Ut quo beatae voluptatum animi perspiciatis qui cumque similique.<\/p>","

Minima occaecati est dignissimos assumenda. Minima architecto excepturi nostrum nesciunt atque cumque quod tempora.<\/p>","

Earum et dolor quis quia aut maiores ut. Aspernatur in sed qui architecto qui sapiente. Rerum soluta voluptatem sunt id fuga doloribus laborum optio. Repudiandae modi impedit aliquid maxime.<\/p>","

Qui ut temporibus dicta nesciunt iste nesciunt. Tempora repellendus ad tempora voluptas. Voluptatem et perspiciatis voluptas laboriosam vel officiis sed. Blanditiis voluptate exercitationem soluta illum reprehenderit facilis.<\/p>","

Possimus est voluptatem quaerat fuga aliquam omnis dolores ullam. Officiis debitis culpa doloribus nihil.<\/p>"]

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Give Back

The mission of the ASCPA Educational Foundation is to provide educational scholarships to accounting students who plan to become Alabama CPAs.

Your contribution will ease the financial burdens of accounting students and CPA candidates, providing an opportunity for them to achieve their dreams. Together we create opportunities for college students who are on the path to CPA and high school students who are considering a career in accounting.

Contributions to the Educational Foundation are tax deductible charitable contributions.


To learn more about the Educational Foundation, contact Florence.