CPA Ethics in a Crisis World: Tales From the Front
February 19, 2025
Steve Dilley
CPA Ethics in a Crisis World: Tales From the Front
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Steve Dilley
Steven C. Dilley is a professor at Michigan State University where he teaches tax accounting. He obtained his Ph.D in accounting from the University of Wisconsin Madison in 1972. In 1969 he also received a law degree and an undergraduate accounting degree from UW- Madison. He is a member of the Wisconsin Bar Association, the American Bar Association, the Wisconsin Institute of CPA's, the Michigan Association of CPA's, the American Accounting Association,The American Institute of CPA's, the American Taxation Associaiton, and the Hawaii Association of Public Accountants. Steve is the President of the Federal Tax Workshops, Inc. This organization prepares continuing education materials and presents continuing education programs for accountants and attorneys throughout the United States. Steve is nationally known for his knowledge of taxation in general and especially for his knowledge of the financial, accounting, and tax problems of the closely held business. He has published numerous articles on those topics.
Based on real life experiences! This program addresses the many issues impacting CPA practice with a world in crisis. The unique challenges facing practitioners are related through actual practice situations
and then analyzed for their ethical implications. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
Learning Objectives
After attending this presentation you will be able to...
Explore numerous practice situations occasioned by the world in crisis and relate them to various ethical authorities
Major Topics
The major topics covered in this class include:
"Tales from the Front"
practice issues CPAs are dealing with in these extraordinary times
Review of AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
Review of IRS Circular 230
Review of client tax return disclosure rules (Sec. 6103)
Crisis impacts on engagement letters, contingent fees, independence, consulting services, attest and non-attest services, billing, and collections
CPE Credits Available
Regulatory Ethics
Things to Know About This Course
Course Level
Professional Area of Focus
Regulatory Ethics
Advanced Preparation
Intended Audience
CPAs in public practice seeking an update on the latest tax developments affecting ethics in a crisis world.