Leading change now ranks in the top three leader skills of the future. As audit, risk management, and governance are relied on more and more in organizational decision-making, the need to lead change is paramount. Leaders and practitioners at all levels must oversee or manage change in today's environment. Whether you are a CEO, small business owner, or individual practitioner, you lead change in your environment. In this session, learn how to lead change BETTER because everyone is a leader of someone. Build alignment with those you lead and work with, motivate and inspire, and model the behaviors that drive change. This session breaks down strategies into manageable steps that anyone can cultivate. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
Learning Objectives
After attending this presentation, you will be able to...
- Describe why it is critical to lead change today
- List the seven steps of leading change
- Identify the components in a "case for change" that achieves buy-in
- Recall the definition of a coalition, its purpose, and how to establish one
- Create a change network and describe its role in in accelerating change
- Create a 360-feedback approach
- Identify key personal skills to help you lead through change
Major Topics
The major topics covered in this course include:
- Why it is critical to lead change in your company now
- The seven steps of leading change
- How to set expectations
- How to create a vision that achieves buy-in
- How to form a coalition, an essential component of any change effort
- How to create and mobilize change networks to accelerate change
- The best of the best communication strategies
- How to establish simple 360 feedback
- Managing yourself