Legislative Updates

ALDOR to Consider Relief for Taxpayers Affected by Hurricane Sally

In accordance with the state of emergency declared by Gov. Kay Ivey, the Alabama Department of Revenue (ALDOR) will consider, on a case-by-case basis, relief from late filing penalties for Alabama taxpayers who in the coming days and weeks are unable to timely file tax returns as a result of damage or disruptions caused by Hurricane Sally. Taxpayers may contact the following ADOR offices by telephone to request relief or for any additional assistance: 

  • Individual Income Tax: 334-353-0602
  • Corporate Income Tax: 334-242-1200
  • Pass-through Entities: 334-242-1033
  • Sales and Use Tax: 334-242-1490
  • Business Privilege Tax: 334-353-7923
  • Withholding Tax: 334-242-1300