
Fine Geddie Special Report Regarding Coronavirus


As with much of the country, the State of Alabama is taking unprecedented steps to address the Coronavirus.  As of  1:23 p.m.(CT) today, the Alabama Dept. Of Public Health has reported 28 confirmed Coronavirus cases in the state.

Governor Ivey declared a State of Emergency on Friday and closed public schools for 2 ½ weeks.  We have attached the Governor’s Proclamation for your review.

The Alabama Dept. of Public Health has advised against any social gatherings regardless of size.  Citizens with chronic health problems are advised to avoid gatherings of ten or more and avoid all travel by air, bus or train.  Restaurants are encouraged to restrict their capacity to 50%. 

Most departments of state government have adjusted employee schedules to accommodate employees with school age children, etc.  Also, state employees are encouraged to work from home.

The Alabama Court System has suspended court hearings until May 16. 

The Alabama Legislature is presently on Spring Break with the House returning to Montgomery on Thursday, March 26 and the Senate to return March 31.  Most of the discussion regarding the session going forward has revolved around three options:

  1. End the session
  2. Recess until May 1 then continue to meet
  3. Continue with the session, address critical issues and adjourn early

There is also discussion regarding postponing the run-off elections set for May 31.  Secretary of State John Merrill has requested guidance from Attorney General Steve Marshall on the issue.  As we have discussed, Alabama has three major run-offs set for March 31:

  1. U.S. Senate between Jeff Sessions and Tommy Tuberville
  2. First Congressional District between Bill Hightower and Jerry Carl
  3. Second Congressional District between Jeff Coleman and Barry Moore

We also have numerous local run-offs in various counties across the state.

Fine Geddie & Associates with continue to update us regarding any issues relating to government policy and the Coronavirus.