Remembering Opelika CPA Charlotte Ann Miller through Disaster Relief Efforts
Our hearts and prayers are with all those impacted by the devastating tornados that hit parts of Lee County on Sunday, March 3. Most especially the family and the Opelika, AL CPA firm, Bartlett, Gunter & Yeager, CPA, PC, upon the tragic death of Charlotte Ann Miller, CPA. Charlotte was home alone and sadly lost her life during this devastating storm. Now, her family and firm, like many, many other families and companies, are trying to pick up the pieces.
Charlotte Miller is a graduate of Auburn University with more than twenty-three years’ experience in public accounting and ten years in the private sector. Charlotte has one son, Justin. She is a writer and published author with a trilogy of regionally bestselling novels in print.
Similar to the ASCPA support of last year’s Jacksonville, AL storm relief effort where members contributed $5000.00 to JSU, the ASCPA would like to help raise money honoring CPA member Charlotte Ann Miller. You may contribute online to the ASCPA Educational Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization, denoted Lee County here. You can also contribute by sending a check to the ASCPA Educational Foundation, attn: Jeannine Birmingham, 1041 Longfield Court, Montgomery, AL 36117. After all collections have been received, the funds collected will be presented to the Community Foundation of East Alabama.
The Community Foundation of East Alabama (CFEA), Inc. has established a Lee County Tornado Recovery Fund. They will receive, hold, and disperse monies contributed to this fund in a manner deemed appropriate by the CFEA Board of Directors with input from the Lee County Emergency Management Agency and members of a Tornado Recovery Committee. All distributions will help serve the needs of the Lee County residents who were affected by this disaster.