National MAP Survey – Alabama CPA Firms Request
Dear Managing Partners,
The AICPA has launched the 2023 PCPS/ National MAP Survey. We hope your firm will participate. If at least 30 Alabama firms complete the survey, the Alabama Society will receive the data and we can better understand our firms' trends.
Here’s some quick background on the National MAP Survey – it’s a long-standing tool that members appreciate.
The business landscape is changing, and the way accounting firms have operated is transforming at a rapid pace. Now is the time for firms to challenge how they’ve operated to date and identify elements of their business model that are holding them back or need to be adapted to a changing environment. One way to do this is to take advantage of the benefits of the 2023 AICPA PCPS/ National Management of an Accounting Practice (MAP) Survey. Whether a firm has participated in the survey for years or this will be their first time participating, the CPA profession’s largest benchmarking tool will help firms understand how they perform compared to others, what worked, and what could have worked better. Firms can benchmark their operations with those similar in size and region and with top performers as well through a dynamic survey platform.
How Firms Can Benefit
Firms that participate in the 2023 National MAP Survey receive:
- Free personalized report with today’s most important KPIs
- Clear picture of how their firm aligns with similar sized practices, both regionally and nationally
- Practical insights into building a more profitable practice
- PCPS Members receive additional benefits, including all access to the survey platform for real time comparisons, downloadable trends reports, PowerPoint reports and customizable reports by specified filters when results are available
- The survey is easy and fast to participate in and complete
- Participation is free and open to all firms. All information that firms provide is strictly confidential.
The survey will close on June 30th and results, including an executive summary providing key insights and actionable guidance, will be available in the fall of 2023.
Click Here to Participate Today
Thank you for your continued support of what has become an essential benchmarking initiative for the profession.