Despite awareness, a CPA’s client service focus may lead to wire fraud claims. Learn to short-circuit a faulty mental process to help reduce wire fraud risk.
By J. Michael Reese, JD/LL.M
This article appeared in the November 2023 issue of the Journal of Accountancy
Security professionals warn us to look out for “tailgaters” — people who tag along behind authorized personnel in an attempt to enter secured locations without using or showing access credentials. Makes sense, right? You don’t know if that person should be there or what they might do once inside.
Still, when we see someone running our way yelling, “Please hold that door!” what happens? Invariably, most of us hold the door. Can you identify what transpires in your mind in those few seconds when you (1) assess that individual, (2) determine they pose no risk, and (3) let them in without validation? What is it about this interaction that compels you to act contrary to known guidance? Do you fear confronting strangers?
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